[WATCH] Marketing Land Live #22: Verizon buys Yahoo, earnings week & more

Yahoo’s future is in question after the news this week that Verizon is buying the company for a little less than $5 billion. In the latest episode of Marketing Land Live, we talk about the reasons behind Verizon’s buy, what Yahoo might look like in future years and the impact on digital ads and advertisers. We also recap a big week of earnings, where Facebook, Amazon and Google posted strong numbers … and Twitter continued to disappoint.
Marketing Land’s Ginny Marvin, Tim Peterson and Greg Sterling joined me for the 44-minute show. You can watch the replay below, and be sure to scroll below the video for this week’s Show Notes, with links to the stories we talked about.
If you’d prefer an audio version of our weekly show, it’s now available as a podcast on both iTunes and Google Play Podcasts.
Show Notes
Verizon is buying Yahoo for $4.83 billion
After buying Yahoo for nearly $5 billion, Verizon is now in the search business
Ad industry execs cautiously optimistic Verizon-AOL-Yahoo can take on Google & Facebook
Why “ad load” questions overtook Facebook’s latest earnings call
Facebook’s never had more users, made more money per user than in Q2 2016
Twitter’s ad biz struggles under pressure on video ad pricing
Apple earnings: Company beats with $42 billion, iPhone SE above expectations
Amazon revenue up 31% YoY for Q2 2016, climbs to $30.4B for the quarter
Google expanded text ads are live, and device bidding & responsive ads for native roll out
Google reiterates suggested 33-character limit in ETA headlines to avoid truncation
AdWords Editor updated to support expanded text ads
Twitter recycles 7-year-old tagline in new ad campaign
Google sunsetting AdWords Converted Clicks in September
From our sponsors: [WATCH] Marketing Land Live #22: Verizon buys Yahoo, earnings week & more