Tools And Resources For A More Meaningful Web Typography

It’s the small details that make a project shine. Solid typography, well-crafted with attention and care is one of them. A harmonious visual rhythm, typographic subtleties like soft caps, margin outdents or the correct use of hyphens and dashes — there are a lot of things that add up to it. In practice, however, publishing on the web is supposed to be fast, and the little details are often overlooked, which is a pity, because they are not only pleasing to the eye but also improve the reading experience.
The tools and resources compiled in this article will help you bring some of that meaning that typography has always benefitted from in print to your web projects. They simplify the process of establishing a solid foundation and modular scale to build upon, take care of the little details, so they don’t get lost along the way, and offer solutions to common pitfalls. Are you ready to do some catching up on that type game?
The post Tools And Resources For A More Meaningful Web Typography appeared first on Smashing Magazine.
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