Thinking smarter: Take your SEO work to the next level

Search engine optimization is a complex marketing discipline, and it can be a challenge to perform high-level, high-quality SEO work every single day. When you’re working hard to get the best results for your client, it can be tempting to cut corners here and there to meet (or even beat) deadlines.
While this approach may be effective sometimes, ultimately, it can create more work for you down the line. By taking the time to be thorough, you can anticipate and avoid future obstacles that impede progress and create headaches for you and the client.
Let’s discuss a variety of ways that you can think smarter in order to create a more streamlined working experience.
Ensure you have all necessary materials before you start the SEO project
We’ve all been there: You begin to work on an SEO project and find out that you are missing a critical part of what makes the project tick. If you deal with large teams and international brands, chances are that part of the project slipped through the cracks. There are ways to help keep this issue from cropping up time and time again.
If you deal with highly complex projects on a frequent basis, and these projects require client material that takes days or even weeks to obtain, it makes sense to ensure that everyone involved on the client side understands the impact this client material makes.
In these cases, it may be beneficial to spend a couple of hours creating a road map for the client, which they can use as a reference throughout the project. That way, they can have it handy in the future. Create the road map prior to project launch, and then refer to that road map when requesting materials from the client.
[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]
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