The power of “Anchor Influencers”

We all recognize that influencer relationships play a key role in any business or career plan. Finding and developing the right relationships helps you accelerate the progress towards your goals.
It’s also important to understand that some influencer relationships will be more important to you than others. I call these people “Anchor Influencers.”
What fuels these is a stronger sense of connection, stronger alignment in your view of the market, and perhaps even some level of personal connection. Choose these relationships wisely, as they are a key component of your overall marketing plan.
In today’s post, I’m going to discuss how you go about developing these relationships. I’m not going to spend that much time on the very basics of relationship building, as I plan to get quite a bit deeper into what drives Anchor relationships. I’ll also share several stories of creative strategies I have seen people employ.
This ability to benefit from Anchor Influencers holds true regardless of the size of your business. Anchor Influencers can help you accelerate the process of spreading your message and provide external validation and credibility, even if you are a larger brand. If you’ve got money, you can pay for their attention, of course; but obtaining their personal engagement and passion will still be invaluable.
One word I want you to lose from your vocabulary right at the start of this discussion is “leverage.” You ain’t gonna be leveraging no one (the awful English here is intentional). And that’s your first lesson. When pursuing Anchor Influencer relationships, the relationship is the positive outcome you are looking for — help with your business goals stems from that.
[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]
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