Survey: Chasm exists between brands and consumers on data privacy

Dismissed by many digerati several years ago, privacy has come roaring back as an existential challenge for online publishers and digital marketers. Recent privacy-related surveys from Forrester research capture an alarming chasm between enterprise marketers and consumers on the subject.
Consumers in the US and Europe are increasingly concerned about how their data are being used online and trust fewer and fewer brands. By contrast, Forrester finds lax enterprise standards and a “cavalier attitude” about data collection by brand marketers. In a European context, this is playing with fire given the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy regulations and associated penalties.
The consumer data are from a survey (or surveys) of more than 50,000 adults. The enterprise data are from a mix of Forrester surveys conducted in 2017. The firm doesn’t segment the data by geography in the report presenting these findings.
Below are some of the specific takeaways and high-level data points illustrating the gap between consumers and enterprises on privacy.
[Read the full article on MarTech Today.]
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