Smashing TV Live: Privacy UX, A Session With Vitaly Friedman

Smashing TV Live: Privacy UX, A Session With Vitaly Friedman
Vitaly Friedman 2019-12-03T11:00:00+00:00
Cookie consent prompts, push notifications, app install prompts, video autoplays and annoying pop-ups. Every time we enter a new site, it feels like a fight against all the annoying marketing messages endlessly streaming at us. If you’ve wondered why a product you looked up in a search engine one day keeps showing up in all your social channels over and over just a few hours later, that’s the power of data collection and retargeting at play. We can do better than that though.
For a few years now, we’ve been running live sessions with respected professionals on Smashing TV — our video channel for our dear Smashing Members, who support our little team and our little adventures every month. As the webinars have always been about sharing lessons learned with the community, we’d like to open them up to everybody, with Members having a chance to ask questions right after the session.
Join Live Stream Below: Tue, Dec 3, 5:00 PM London time
The session will start today, Dec. 3, at 5:00 PM London time (12:00 PM New York time) — broadcasted live below!
In the session, we’ll be exploring privacy UX patterns, techniques, strategies and important decisions to consider when designing and building privacy-aware websites and applcations. You’ll walk away with a toolbox of applicable techniques, privacy nightmares and a few notes on how to keep your website/app GDPR-compliant and privacy-focused.
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