Marketing Day: LinkedIn mobile video ads, Oculus VR app discovery & Facebook’s missing Russian data

Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
- LinkedIn launches autoplay mobile video ads
Oct 12, 2017 by Susan WenogradVideo advertising is set to roll out to all advertisers by the first half of 2018.
- Oculus looks to improve VR app discovery with content-based search
Oct 12, 2017 by Tim PetersonOculus will roll out content-based app search for Gear VR and options for developers to promote app events, announcements.
- Where some see data suppression, Facebook says it was only following privacy policy
Oct 12, 2017 by Greg SterlingCrowdTangle tool enabled social media analyst to access cached pages from inactive or deleted accounts tied to Russian election meddling.
- Quality score in 2017: Should you care?
Oct 13, 2017 by Jacob BaadsgaardContributor Jacob Baadsgaard dispels the notion that a great quality score automatically leads to great conversion rates and suggests how to best prioritize your optimization efforts.
- Unbundling the ad server
Oct 13, 2017 by Victor WongThe great ad server as we knew it is no more. Contributor Victor Wong takes a look at the evolution of the ad server and what we should expect to see in the future.
- Markets with home service ads: Service-area businesses are coming back to the local results
Oct 13, 2017 by Joy HawkinsThere’s good news and there’s bad news in the local service-area business space. Contributor Joy Hawkins brings us up to date.
- Using the ‘Russia strategy’ on programmatic
Oct 13, 2017 by Kevin LeeThere’s no question that Russia’s meddling with US politics is perturbing, but columnist Kevin Lee believes some of the strategies can be applied to programmatic campaigns.
- Free, paid or gated content: Which option is right for you?
Oct 13, 2017 by Rachel LindteigenOnce you’ve created a great piece of content, you’ll need to decide if you want to share it freely, charge for it or gate it in exchange for information. Columnist Rachel Lindteigen shares tips to help you decide which route to go.
Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:
- Scott Brinker: Marketing is now customer experience’s champion
Oct 13, 2017 by Barry LevineOur MarTech Conference chairperson reflects on how Marketing is following the transformational path of IT.
- Mobile devices offer special vulnerabilities to fraud
Oct 13, 2017 by Barry LevineAs the types of mobile devices grow, expect more kinds of mobile-specific fraud.
- Nanigans launches incrementality optimization & reporting solution
Oct 13, 2017 by Ginny MarvinThe new solution focuses on driving incremental revenue growth from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and programmatic retargeting campaigns.
- Is GDPR the Y2K for B2B marketing? And how to use it to your advantage
Oct 13, 2017 by Scott VaughanThe EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and Y2K share some surprising similarities. Columnist Scott Vaughan breaks them down and outlines four ways to prepare your organization for GDPR.
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
Business Issues
- Facebook may add hundreds of employees to its growing Chicago office, Venture Beat
- Instagram’s Kevin Systrom on publishing on platforms: ‘The big question is, what’s the business model?’, Digiday
- We’re data rich, but insight poor, AdAge
Mobile/Local Marketing
- Google Assistant can now control Chromecasts from your phone, The Verge
- Thyng is a platform for creating AR scenes, Venture Beat
Social Media
- Facebook, news publishers, and the ‘demand’ for video, The Next Web
- Twitter Is Crawling With Bots and Lacks Incentive to Expel Them, Bloomberg
- Twitter users join 24hr boycott to protest online harassment, TechCrunch
- The pitfalls of pivoting: Mix-and-match video ad tech is costing publishers, Digiday
From our sponsors: Marketing Day: LinkedIn mobile video ads, Oculus VR app discovery & Facebook’s missing Russian data