Is your organization ready to take the plunge into in-house video production?

The effectiveness of video is undeniable. Surveys taken over the last few years show that executives would rather watch video than read text; buyers are more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it; and email recipients are more likely to click on a link when video is included.
In the past, creating corporate videos was the domain of outside agencies. But as the cost of high-quality equipment has dropped, in-house creative teams can now produce a full range of professional-quality corporate video assets quickly and inexpensively.
Whether you’re just getting started with in-house video or ramping up production, the right approach is essential for developing efficient collaborative workflows and maximizing the value of your video content.
Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download this Quantum white paper outlining the five best practices for building an IT environment optimized for video work.
From our sponsors: Is your organization ready to take the plunge into in-house video production?