Is a local SEO campaign like a sitcom?

In some ways, running a local SEO campaign is a lot like writing a sitcom episode. Each follows a formula for repeated success, and when you strip both of them down to their cores, their components are very similar. The Venn diagram below outlines the formula for both a sitcom and a local SEO campaign.
These two align in a lot of ways; the technical elements of a sitcom are the joke writing, costumes, sets and so on, instead of keyword optimization and site audits. A campaign strategy is just like character development — both are mapped out well in advance and require high-level thinking. And the client expectations, they’re similar to the heart of each episode. You give a lesson within each campaign as a marketer, same as the sitcom episode does.
Let’s dissect an episode of the popular TV sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory.” The episode I use as an example (“The Skywalker Incursion“) does an excellent job of following the sitcom formula. I’ll use a general attorney’s campaign as an example of local SEO to parallel alongside the sitcom episode. Both formulas are meant to be put on a timeline, one in minutes and one in months, so I’ll stick to that for this scenario.
Let’s begin the breakdown.
[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]
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