Google & Facebook among members signed onto IAB UK ‘Gold Standard’ ads program

The UK arm of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB UK) has launched a new program aimed at reducing ad fraud, improving user experiences and increasing brand safety in digital advertising — addressing key threats to the industry.
Facebook and Google — the two biggest digital ad sellers in the world — are among the 23 IAB UK board member companies who have committed to the program. The others are: AppNexus, Bauer Media, ESI Media, Guardian Media Group, GroundTruth, Immediate Media, Mail Brands, Microsoft, News UK, Oath, Quantcast, RadiumOne, Teads, Telegraph Media Group, TripAdvisor, Trinity Mirror Solutions, Twitter, Vevo, Viant, Videology and Weve.
The program requires the following three actions of participating members:
[Read the full article on MarTech Today.]
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From our sponsors: Google & Facebook among members signed onto IAB UK ‘Gold Standard’ ads program