Forget about unique content. Try actually BEING local!

Is it just me, or does it really seem lately like every marketer is looking for a silver bullet when it comes to SEO? Even though nothing even close to a silver bullet exists, the search is always on for the “one big thing” that can really jump a site up in the rankings.
It’s time for another installment of Greg’s Soapbox. Stop trying to look for silver content bullets! Stop trying to be lazy or look for shortcuts! If you put in the time and do things correctly, you’ll win in the long run.
It’s fall conference season, and I’ve sat in on countless sessions that preach the same thing over and over again: you’ve got to create unique content if you want to succeed.
Technically, that’s true. But in the real world, I’m just gonna say it: it’s a load of BS.
[Read the full article on Search Engine Land.]
From our sponsors: Forget about unique content. Try actually BEING local!