Category: Web Design
Bringing A Better Design Process To Your Organization Bringing A Better Design Process To Your Organization Eric Olive 2019-08-21T13:30:59+02:00 2019-08-21T12:36:12+00:00 As user experience (UX) designers and researchers, the most common complaint we hear from users is: “Why don’t they think about what I need?” In fact, many organizations have teams dedicated to delivering what users…
How To Build A Real-Time Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game (Part 1) How To Build A Real-Time Multiplayer Virtual Reality Game (Part 1) Alvin Wan 2019-08-20T15:30:59+02:00 2019-08-21T12:36:12+00:00 In this tutorial series, we will build a web-based multiplayer virtual reality game in which players will need to collaborate to solve a puzzle. We will use A-Frame for…
Pitching Your Writing To Publications Pitching Your Writing To Publications Rachel Andrew 2019-08-19T14:00:59+02:00 2019-08-19T12:28:45+00:00 Recently, I had a chat with Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert over on the Shoptalk Podcast about writing for publications such as Smashing Magazine and CSS-Tricks. One of the things we talked about was submitting ideas to publications — something that…
Monthly Web Development Update 8/2019: Strong Teams And Ethical Data Sensemaking Monthly Web Development Update 8/2019: Strong Teams And Ethical Data Sensemaking Anselm Hannemann 2019-08-16T13:51:00+02:00 2019-08-16T12:35:43+00:00 What’s more powerful than a star who knows everything? Well, a team not made of stars but of people who love what they do, stand behind their company’s vision…
The (Upcoming) WordPress Renaissance The (Upcoming) WordPress Renaissance Leonardo Losoviz 2019-08-15T13:00:59+02:00 2019-08-15T12:36:08+00:00 It has been 8 months since Gutenberg was launched as the default content editor in WordPress. Depending who you ask, you may hear that Gutenberg is the worst or the best thing that has happened to WordPress (or anything in between). But something…
Smashing TV Interviews: The Mozilla View Source Line-Up Smashing TV Interviews: The Mozilla View Source Line-Up Rachel Andrew 2019-08-14T10:30:59+02:00 2019-08-14T12:36:06+00:00 Smashing TV has been working with our friends over at Mozilla to bring you content from their upcoming View Source conference in Amsterdam. We’re really excited about the event that they are putting together. Here…
Movie Poster Designs To Inspire Your PWA Hero Images Movie Poster Designs To Inspire Your PWA Hero Images Suzanne Scacca 2019-08-13T15:00:59+02:00 2019-08-14T12:36:06+00:00 I visited the Fandango website last weekend, hoping to find something that would give me an excuse to spend a couple of hours inside an air-conditioned movie theater. This is what first caught…
Creating Authentic Human Connections Within A Remote Team Creating Authentic Human Connections Within A Remote Team Randy Tolentino 2019-08-12T13:00:59+02:00 2019-08-12T12:35:33+00:00 On any given day, walk into your local coffee shop and you’ll likely see someone situated at a table, staring into a computer screen. Without knowing any details, one thing’s for sure, it’s obvious they’re…
Handling Unused CSS In SASS To Improve Performance Handling Unused CSS In SASS To Improve Performance Luke Harrison 2019-08-09T12:30:59+02:00 2019-08-09T12:36:14+00:00 In modern front-end development, developers should aim to write CSS which is scalable and maintainable. Otherwise, they risk losing control over specifics such as the cascade and selector specificity as the codebase grows and more…
Now Live: Your SmashingConf Toronto Playlist Now Live: Your SmashingConf Toronto Playlist Rachel Andrew 2019-08-08T15:00:59+02:00 2019-08-09T12:36:14+00:00 We have edited and prepared the video from SmashingConf Toronto, and it is all now live for you to watch and learn from. To get a feel for the event, watch our compilation. We think that it really captures…