Category: Web Design
Smashing Podcast Episode 9 With Stéphanie Walter: How Can I Work With UI Frameworks? Smashing Podcast Episode 9 With Stéphanie Walter: How Can I Work With UI Frameworks? Drew McLellan 2020-02-11T05:00:00+00:00 2020-02-11T12:36:43+00:00 As a developer myself, one of the things that I like about UI frameworks is that they often come with default styling, but…
How To Create Maps With React And Leaflet How To Create Maps With React And Leaflet Shajia Abidi 2020-02-07T11:00:00+00:00 2020-02-07T12:36:36+00:00 Grasping information from a CSV or a JSON file isn’t only complicated, but is also tedious. Representing the same data in the form of visual aid is simpler. In this article, we’re going to represent…
Django Highlights: User Models And Authentication (Part 1) Django Highlights: User Models And Authentication (Part 1) Philip Kiely 2020-02-06T11:00:00+00:00 2020-02-06T12:38:28+00:00 There are two types of websites: static and dynamic. Django is a framework for developing dynamic websites. While a static website is one that solely presents information, there is no interaction (beyond simple page requests)…
Magic Flip Cards: Solving A Common Sizing Problem Magic Flip Cards: Solving A Common Sizing Problem Dan Halliday 2020-02-05T10:30:00+00:00 2020-02-05T12:35:37+00:00 What are the chances your next client will use the word interactive while introducing their project? In my experience, the answer is 100%, so I’m always looking for robust CSS techniques to help me deliver…
Meet “The Ethical Design Handbook”: How To Leave Dark Patterns Behind Meet “The Ethical Design Handbook”: How To Leave Dark Patterns Behind Vitaly Friedman 2020-02-04T13:00:00+00:00 2020-02-05T12:35:37+00:00 Over the past twenty years, user privacy has become merely a commodity on the web: there, but hardly ever respected — and often swiftly discarded. No wonder ad-blockers have…
How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack Sarah Drasner & Geoff Graham 2020-02-04T11:00:00+00:00 2020-02-04T12:39:12+00:00 In the first article of this series, we walked through Smashing Magazine’s journey from WordPress to the JAMstack. We covered the reasons for the change, the benefits that…
An Interview With Zach Leatherman: A SmashingConf Austin Speaker An Interview With Zach Leatherman: A SmashingConf Austin Speaker Rachel Andrew 2020-02-03T10:30:00+00:00 2020-02-03T12:35:59+00:00 We are so excited to be bringing SmashingConf to a new city this year. We’re bringing you SmashingConf Austin and we have a fantastic line-up of speakers. Check out this post, where we…
How To Create A Card Matching Game Using Angular And RxJS How To Create A Card Matching Game Using Angular And RxJS Anna Prenzel 2020-01-30T13:00:00+00:00 2020-01-31T12:35:52+00:00 Today, I’d like to focus on data streams resulting from click events on the user interface. The processing of such clickstreams is particularly useful for applications with an intensive…
29 Days Of February (2020 Wallpapers Edition) 29 Days Of February (2020 Wallpapers Edition) Cosima Mielke 2020-01-31T11:00:00+00:00 2020-01-31T12:35:52+00:00 What will you make of the extra day that February has in store for us this year? Visit an old friend, explore a new place, or use it to get stuff done you have put off for…
Using CSCS Scripting Language For Cross-Platform Development Using CSCS Scripting Language For Cross-Platform Development Vassili Kaplan 2020-01-29T11:00:00+00:00 2020-01-29T12:34:03+00:00 Our goal is not to build a platform; it’s to be cross all of them. — Mark Zuckerberg CSCS (Customized Scripting in C#) is an open-source scripting language implemented in C#. Syntactically it’s very similar to JavaScript,…