Category: Digital Marketing
Ask any PPC manager how they do their job well, and, aside from their skill set, they’ll name the tools that give them the data they need and the time in their day to drive strategy. In this session from SMX East 2016: “Updating Your SEM Toolbox with New, Shiny Tools,” Moderator Matt Van Wagner…
As the automated, intelligent conversation settles into its role as a major marketing channel, a variety of chatbot authoring platforms have made their entrance. This week, a new one promises to be “the most complete conversational computing platform available.” The PullString Platform, based on technology previously employed for Call of Duty’s Lt. Reyes chatbot on…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: What’s more important than a B2B buyer’s lead score?Sep 29, 2016 by Jeffrey L. Cohen Columnist Jeffrey L. Cohen explains why success depends on not just your lead scoring, but also…
Sometimes I think about changing famous movie quotes to include marketing terms. I will admit that I may need to get out more, but these can be instructive in drawing some analogies to the topic at hand. Since this post is about leads, here are a few: May the leads be with you. Show me…
Here’s our daily recap of what happened in marketing technology, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Oracle updates its Marketing CloudSep 28, 2016 by Barry Levine Enhancements include a revised Canvas for orchestrating multichannel journeys and new drag-and-drop A/B testing for mobile apps. Google launches free version…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Content and SEO: Building linkable contentSep 28, 2016 by Andrew Dennis What makes content link-worthy? Columnist Andrew Dennis discusses the qualities that make content easy to promote and share. How do…
Google recently asked Forrester Consulting to survey 150 marketing, analytics and IT executives about the measurement challenges they face. The results showed that: Only 26 percent believed that their marketing analytics tools are well-integrated and work seamlessly together. On the other hand, marketers are 39 percent more likely to see improvement in their overall marketing…
How well do you think you know the users who come to your website? Can you tell me about your best customer’s buying habits? Or maybe how long your average customer goes between purchases? Or which customer channel converts more than any other channel? Most marketers will unwaveringly claim to know a wealth of information…
(Credit: MobileFuse) Since the birth of advertising, marketers have been trying to figure out how such messaging might work best. This week, two new studies presented at the Ad Week conference in New York City offer a few hints. The Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) released its study, “How Advertising Works Today,” which focused on the…
Twitter is rewarding its loyal Periscope users. Announced today, the Periscope VIP program is intended for broadcasters who are actively engaged, giving them access to benefits and recognition within the community. Plus, Periscope promises that its biggest influencers will unlock even more achievements as they grow their audience. Benefits include a designated Periscope badge, which…