Category: Digital Marketing
AOL introduced a suite of new ad format programs under the umbrella name BrandBuilder at CES in Las Vegas on Thursday. The new programs — Director, Buyer and Beta — included in BrandBuilder serve as the starting point for advertisers based on their campaign goals. The Director program includes a variety of formats aimed at…
Google is trying to mobilize Indian small businesses. According to the Wall Street Journal, Google will introduce a free mobile-website creation tool in India this year. The article cites Google data for the proposition that roughly three-fourths of Indian small businesses have no web presence, let alone a mobile-friendly one. Reportedly, the free tool will…
Medium’s advertising product never made it out of beta. The publishing platform created by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams will shut down its Promoted Stories ad product that had been released in beta in April 2016, according to a person familiar with the matter. The decision to eliminate its ad product coincides with Medium rethinking its…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: 17 link resolutions for 2017Jan 4, 2017 by Julie Joyce Link builders, what can you do better this year? Columnist Julie Joyce shares her 17 link-building resolutions for 2017. The 2017…
Back in 2014, I had 14 link resolutions. For 2017, I have 17 for you. Maybe you’re doing some or all of the following already; congratulations if that’s true, as you’re much more proactive than most. If you aren’t doing any, start with just a couple — but please, please, please make sure you do…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Don’t just appeal to a local searcher’s wants or needs, focus on the journeyJan 3, 2017 by Lydia Jorden You’ve probably heard sayings like, “Life’s about the journey, not the destination,”…
Millennial travelers have been yearning for genuine, local experiences that deliver a special and unique taste of authenticity. They don’t want to merely cross an experience, city or place off a bucket list. These travelers and searchers would like to experience life, while accidentally encountering experiences worthy of Snapchat stories, Instagram images and other forms…
A number of attorneys who specialize in online defamation/libel cases have reported to me that Google has recently suspended its longstanding, informal policy of removing URLs from US search results that are specified in duly executed court orders. This poses a major paradigm shift for many victims of online reputation attacks. Beginning around August or…
You’re a savvy digital marketer. You follow Google best practices and read “all the SEO blogs.” You sound like a zookeeper with your extensive knowledge of Pandas, Penguins, Possums and Pigeons. You’re always looking for ways to improve organic search rankings. Instead of investing your time researching some of those gray (or even black) hat…
Amazon led the way among big retailers in increasing their digital holiday advertising spend, according to ad sales intelligence firm MediaRadar, which analyzed sales data from October and November 2016 and 2015. The e-commerce giant increased digital ad spend during the early holiday push by 224 percent year over year. Linear TV ad spend also…