Category: Digital Marketing
The industry group formed to secure and weed out fraud in the digital advertising supply chain says it has seen a jump in companies interested in joining the program over the past few months. More than 350 companies have now applied for verification registrations by the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG), with an application increase of…
I have an allergy to hype. I know, that’s an unfortunate condition given that I’m in the field of marketing technology. It’s like being a lactose-intolerant maitre fromager. Luckily, the symptoms are relatively mild — mostly involuntary rolling of the eyes and rapid finger-twitching on the delete key. But I also have an addiction —…
After officially opening itself up last year as a free distribution outlet for branded content and influencer marketing, Facebook is ready to cash in. On Monday, Facebook rolled out a new way for brands to take the posts that they pay publishers and influencers to create — and that the publishers and influencers tag as…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: New research shows Hispanic millennial shoppers are ‘a driving force’ of US economyAug 14, 2017 by Amy Gesenhues Insights on mobile and social usage trends among this growing demographic. Disclosure and…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Natural language processing 101Aug 11, 2017 by Justin Freid As natural language processing transforms our ability to interact with machines, contributor Justin Freid takes a look at how it’s being used…
With buzzwords like AI and machine learning being thrown around more than a football at training camp, it’s important for marketers to understand the ins and outs of how the various components that make up these technology advances work. Advancements in natural language processing (NLP) were one of the major steps forward that allowed AI…
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: Breaking down silos in e-commerce retailAug 10, 2017 by Andreas Reiffen Want to improve your e-commerce sales? Columnist Andreas Reiffen makes the case for data sharing across marketing channels to avoid…
In general, e-commerce retail can be thought of in three main parts: customer acquisition, conversion and retention/measurement. Customer acquisition is what the majority of digital marketers are concerned with. It’s all the different product advertising efforts across all digital channels that lead a customer to discover your products. Conversion is about getting the customer to…
Facebook has the power to help you find, build, nurture and convert new audiences on mobile and desktop. It’s an integral part of every digital strategy — e-commerce, B2C, B2B, health care, education and so on. With the proliferation of ad types, goals and things you can actually achieve on Facebook, the options and best…
Facebook is ready to premiere its attempt to take on YouTube. Facebook announced on Wednesday that it will begin rolling out a revamped version of its existing home for videos that caters to the original, episodic shows Facebook has been licensing to make people think of it as a digital video service on par with…