Big Data Double Whammy To Come After EU Data Law

Digital marketers could face a double whammy on top of the finally agreed EU data law.
A parliamentary Select Committee has announced it wants the Government to introduce much stricter data laws that go beyond the recently announced EU law – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In its fourth report subtitled ‘The Big Data Dilemma’ (PDF download, no registration), which has just been announced (10th February), the Science and Technology committee wants the UK Government to go further than the forthcoming EU data, which will itself dramatically increase the ability of the ICO to impose larger fines for data breaches.
Downloading the 52 page report explains a lot more than the MPs thoughts on how regulations should change. It also gives a lot of detail on context and the opportunities for Big Data from a commercial perspective. This makes it essential reading for any one responsible for customer or marketing data in businesses trading in the EU. If you haven’t heard of GDPR or want to understand the implications in more detail you can read the background to it in all Smart Insights GDPR articles.
At the same time the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) is introducing a policy of actively seeking out data offenders rather than investigating complaints, and is reviewing its guidelines with a view to introducing tougher regulation.
The report summarises the findings of the Science and Technology Select Committee of MPs which has been investigating the data economy and considering the opportunities and risks, specifically how government can support businesses and encourage growth, but also protect consumer interests.
The committee believe that current sanctions have not been an effective deterrence to rogue marketers, and a key element of its recommendation is introducing criminal sanctions with the aim of focusing the minds of business leaders to ensure data protection policy is treated with much greater importance.
This comes when the ICO is reviewing its guidelines with a viewing to toughening up the way in which it policies data law, plus it will double in size this year, and may move into bigger premises. Additionally, it now has a policy of going out and investigating larger data users rather than being primarily reactive. So far this year it has written to more than a thousand companies asking them to complete detailed reports on data practice, which will be followed up to ensure compliance is being adhered to.
By Dene Walsh, Operations and Compliance Director at Verso Group and Chair of Enforcement and Regulation Hub, Direct Marketing Association Contact Centre and Telemarketing Council.
From our sponsors: Big Data Double Whammy To Come After EU Data Law