Active on Periscope? Become a VIP

Twitter is rewarding its loyal Periscope users. Announced today, the Periscope VIP program is intended for broadcasters who are actively engaged, giving them access to benefits and recognition within the community. Plus, Periscope promises that its biggest influencers will unlock even more achievements as they grow their audience.
Benefits include a designated Periscope badge, which can be gold, silver or bronze depending on the broadcaster’s audience, collaboration tools with other broadcasters and discovery opportunities for even greater awareness.
- The Bronze badge requires a minimum of 10,000 followers, an average 200+ total live views per broadcast and at least 2 broadcasts per week on average. Benefits include care packages to look “on point” while broadcasting, featured visibility in search results and access to the latest materials and best practice guides for creating great broadcasts.
- The Silver badge requires at least 30,000 followers, 300+ total live views per broadcast and at least 2 broadcasts per week on average, and perks include inclusion in future discovery products, prioritized support, private broadcasts from the Periscope team and a Slack channel for collaboration.
- The Gold badge requires at least 100,000 followers, average of 500 total live views per broadcast, and at least 2 broadcasts per week on average. Gold badge holders receive all perks from the Bronze and Silver tiers plus “elevated access” to collaborate with the Periscope team.
This certainly will ramp up participation across the board, especially with a regular required commitment. With the announcement, Periscope is also inviting other video streaming types to apply and will consider offering the benefits, likely if they can ensure they can grow their audience and ensure their Periscope participation will be consistent.
From our sponsors: Active on Periscope? Become a VIP