A Little Surprise Is Waiting For You Here.

Smashing Magazine is changing: a new design, a new layout, a new technical stack, a new printed magazine, a new Smashing Membership, and the same good ol’ obsession with quality content. Here’s a sneak preview of what’s coming up.
Today marks an important milestone in Smashing Magazine’s life, and this very page is an early preview of what’s coming up next: many experiments, new challenges, but still a good ol’ obsession with quality content. A complete overhaul, both visually and technically, a fine new printed magazine, and a shiny new Smashing Membership, with nifty features and goodies for you, our lovely community. Curious? Well, fasten your seatbelt and browse around — it’s going to be quite a journey!
The post A Little Surprise Is Waiting For You Here. appeared first on Smashing Magazine.
From our sponsors: A Little Surprise Is Waiting For You Here.