A 29-point-plan for digital campaign success [Infographic]

Use these pointers as a checklist when creating your digital marketing plan
Digital campaign planning is the art of developing the perfect strategy to reach and engage your audience using targeted, measured and interactive marketing of your products or services via paid vs owned vs owned digital media, content and technologies. In this day and age, almost every business has a digital presence but often the opportunities of digital campaigns are missed.
If you’re new to integrating digital media into campaigns, this infographic gives some useful pointers of the options available to help you run effective digital campaigns while also considering how to optimise the ongoing footfall to your site through the year as part of ‘always-on’ marketing.
Thanks to Bulldog Digital Media for sharing this infographic.
Smart Insights Expert member resources in our Campaign Planning Toolkit
Our Expert member resources expand on the infographic by giving a detailed breakdown of recommended actions, plus spreadsheet templates to plan your campaigns and many examples to inspire you.
Download resource – Marketing campaign planning guide
The aim of this guide is to help you review and refresh their existing approach in order to develop a more structured process which integrates the latest digital marketing techniques better.
Access the Marketing campaign planning guide
We have several other blank Word and Excel templates to help structure your campaign plans.
Download resource – Marketing campaign plan template
Unformatted Word document for you to add to with 1 page Quick campaign summary and a more detailed 4-5 page plan.
Access the Marketing campaign plan template
Download resource – Editorial calendar spreadsheet
Excel spreadsheet with planning and operational calendars for managing and integrating content, social media and email marketing.
Access the Editorial calendar spreadsheet
Download resource – Campaign timeline / project plan template and example
This Excel template is aimed at giving you a starting point when putting together a schedule to sequence the content and media for different types of campaigns from new product launch, sales promotion, event or new site launch.
Access the Campaign timeline / project plan template and example
From our sponsors: A 29-point-plan for digital campaign success [Infographic]