Daily Archives: 22nd October 2019
U.S. online ad spending reached $57.9 billion, representing growth of 16.9% year-over-year, in the first half of 2019, the IAB reported Monday. However, that was lower than the 23.1% growth reported a year ago. The IAB also pointed out that for the first time “first half revenues were less than previous second half revenues.” Full…
Customer experience (CX) has become an increased focus for marketers across industries, but many B2B marketers feel as though they need to catch-up to their consumer-facing counterparts to deliver better experiences. Nearly 90% of B2B marketers think their organizations need to be as focused on customer experience as their B2C counterparts, according to a Dun…
A Guide To Optimizing Images For Mobile A Guide To Optimizing Images For Mobile Suzanne Scacca 2019-10-22T12:30:59+02:00 2019-10-22T12:36:15+00:00 (This is a sponsored article.) You know how critical it is to build websites that load quickly. All it takes is for a page to load one second too long for it to start losing visitors and…