Daily Archives: 16th October 2019
How Frontend Developers Can Empower Designer’s Work How Frontend Developers Can Empower Designer’s Work Sandrina Pereira 2019-10-16T12:30:59+02:00 2019-10-16T12:30:40+00:00 This article is mostly directed at you, dear Frontend Developer, who enjoys implementing user interfaces but struggles in aligning expectations with designers you work with. Perhaps you are referred to as the “UI Developer” or “UX Engineer.”…
Facebook is both the most and least trusted social media platform in North America. That’s according to a new study from location data provider Freckle, which recently surveyed 1,200 adults on questions of media, privacy and trust. Freckle’s survey is one of several privacy related studies being released over the next few weeks as we…
Content discovery platform Taboola, which two weeks ago announced a merger with its primary competitor Outbrain, recently released a trends tool that offers insights about the performance of ad and content creative from its publisher network. The combined company has roughly 20,000 publisher customers and 10,000 advertisers in 50 countries. It also claims to reach…