12 Steps for improving your Google AdWords [Infographic]

Check you’re using these 12 simple techniques before launching any Google AdWords campaign
Free, organic options to drive visitors to your site such as SEO and Social Media are appealing, but often this approach can take a long time to generate significant amounts of traffic. Using Pay per Click search ads to advertise specific products and services to confirm the keywords are correct and that there is buyer intent for the keyword can be an effective strategy to complement your SEO efforts. As you don’t want to waste 6 months on an SEO or Social Media campaign for it to fail.
This is where Google AdWords can help as it is one of the biggest paid advertising platforms available. It allows you to target people searching on specific terms and drive website visitors to your website while stopping your ad being displayed on keywords which don’t make sales.
However, as you will know, one of the problems with Google AdWords is it very easy to spend a lot of money on advertising without generating sufficient sales to get ROI. In our experience, knowing how to fine tune Google AdWords and the landing page you are sending website visitors to, can halve the amount you spend on a bid and make the advertising campaign cost effect.
Check these twelve steps before launching any Google AdWords campaign to make sure you’ve not missed any of the main techniques that will help drive ROI.
Thanks to Premium IT Solutions for sharing this infographic.
From our sponsors: 12 Steps for improving your Google AdWords [Infographic]